Dawn Bevins Dawn Bevins

January 2018 To-Do List

My New Year mostly begins with finishing things off from 2017. The only brand new thing to start at the minute is my website, so although that will be constantly evolving, if you are reading this, then I've clearly made some progress. The first thing I need to finish off is the series of christmas elf collages that I began in December - I always intended it to to be a series of five. As always when you are doing something just-for-fun on the run up to christmas, I ran out of time. I have the idea in my head, I just need to execute it - I'll be using slightly different proportions to the previous four pieces so I'm hoping it will still work with the others as a series (if not I might create a sixth). 


The second project I need to start/finish is a book cover for a crime fiction novel that I'm creating for my friend and a rising new author, Karen Pomerantz. It is a bit of a throwback to my work as a graphic designer and much removed from the children's illustration that I'm predominantly working on, but it gives me the opportunity to practise some of my rusty photoshop skills. Although we have started discussing ideas and making sketches, we haven't quite landed on anything concrete. I feel pretty confident everything will click into place soon. I've worked with Karen previously on covers for a couple of short stories (see below), so I know roughly where we are headed, but pinning down a final image for this one is taking slightly longer just because there is more content to consider. 


If you would like to read either of these short stories (for adults) by Karen, you can find links below, the first is a thriller, the second is a horror that was released for Halloween 2017.


I also have several other ongoing projects, but I think I'll save those for another time when I have more visuals to share. 

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