October 2021 - The Isle of Wight (Another catch-up)
Way back in June, I was offered a flat for a weekend, in Ventnor on the Isle of Wight. It has been years since I’ve been to the Isle of Wight, we went there for a couple of holidays when I was really young, maybe about 6 or 7. My most vivid memories include my big sister insisting on cockles and mussels after already eating a big bag of chips, and then throwing up on me in the middle of the night; water squirting, cowboy, shooting galleries, and the super creepy, Bradings Wax Works Museum (which is sadly no more), all the classic things you associate with well-loved British holidays.
Goodbye Portsmouth!
So, my friend Lydia booked the ferry, initially Friday morning until Saturday evening, but due to broken down ferries we rescheduled to Friday afternoon to Sunday afternoon. I haven’t been away with Lyds in ages so it was really exciting to pack ourselves off for a girly weekend. What was even more remarkable was that the weather remained dry (and mostly sunny) for the whole weekend, it didn’t start raining until we were queuing for the ferry home, and then it stayed dry the whole ferry journey back, so we were able to sit outside (because Covid), then it began raining when we got in the car again – thanks Universe! Magic!
Anyway, Lyds is a planner, so she had a bunch of suggestions for things we could try and squash in, in just under 48 hours. By the time we got to Ventnor and had a little sit down in the flat, we were getting well into the evening, so we went out for something to eat. We knew The Spyglass Inn was right on the seafront so headed there. There is nothing nicer for people who spend most of their time inland, being able to sit outside, with nothing interrupting the view between them and the sea – chips and gin are also nice.
(I also took Little Mouse along for a little holiday, he loved it, and I hope he made the most of it really, as I usually forget to take him anywhere).
On Saturday we had tickets booked for Blackgang Chine – yes we know that we are two adults, and it is for kids, but it was fun. Obviously, I haven’t been there since I was a kid, and it is amazing to see the bits that are still there that I recognise, such as the giant pirate, the big whale with the mouth you can walk into, and the creepy Humpty Dumpty (he has been etched onto my eyeballs for most of my life).
I really enjoyed walking around the dinosaurs, and Lydia was a bit of a legend getting us through the Hedge Maze (it’s not the tallest of mazes, but I am not the tallest of people, so I never go into any maze without having someone with me, otherwise, I know I will be lost forever).
We enjoyed sharing a bag of doughnuts (because we are old enough to realise that a bag each would make us feel ill) and my favourite bit was probably Rumpus Mansion, because its creepy and cute, and I just love stuff that comes to life and moves and tells stories.
In the afternoon we drove south to see St Catherine’s lighthouse, on the southern tip of the island. It wasn’t open, but it was still nice to see and there is a bit of coastal path next to it that we decided to investigate because the day was so beautiful.
Lydia saw some kind of pillar upon a hillock, so she went off-road to investigate that… she is still none the wiser. Then I somehow stepped into some kind of bog, and caked my whole foot in black, boggy mud – lovely.
It was a lovely little walk though, and afterwards we went to the pub up the road, where we had parked, for a late lunch. The pub was called The Buddle Inn and it was an absolute delight. We sat outside because it was sunny, there was a guy singing and playing guitar, the staff were all really friendly and I had fish and chips which included a piece of fish as big as my head. After months of lockdown and Covid, sitting there listening to music, in the sun, having a gin and eating great food, it was like being on another planet – a joyous, carefree planet.
Lydia’s Strawberry and Clotted Cream ice Cream – There is no photographic evidence of my ice cream.
After a little post-meal rest back at the flat, we headed out again to Shanklin. We wanted to go to Shanklin Chine, but were waiting for it to go dark so we could see it lit up, so we walked along the Esplanade and bought ice cream – I was actually able to get vegan ice cream in a decent flavour (it was either toffee or salted caramel, I just remember being really pleased it wasn’t just vanilla or chocolate, although I do love chocolate).
Once we had, had our fill, we headed back to Shanklin Chine for a wonderful walk among the lights and plants, a great way to end an evening.
On Sunday we just packed up and cleaned the flat down before heading back towards Fishbourne for the ferry… but obviously we left enough time to stop off at the Isle of Wight Donkey Sanctuary. I love donkeys, I mean what’s not to like, they are like scrappy horses, but shorter (I relate to both of these things – being scrappy and short, not a horse), and they make really cool honking noises (some who have heard me sing, might say I can relate to that too).
We had lots of fun searching for the donkeys that share the same names as Lydia’s kids (my sister was less amused when I told her there was a donkey with her name), sadly there were no donkey Dawns or Lydias.
I also discovered, as my eyes began to stream and I started a bout of endless sneezing, that face masks are amazing at easing hay fever symptoms. It’s not necessarily something you want to wear during the summer, but anyone who has ever gone into hay fever free-fall, will tell you that a face mask on a warm day is far better than suddenly feeling like you have fallen into a never-ending hell of not being able to see or breath… oh or the unbearable itchy mouth and throat, so yeah, very grateful for my mask on that occasion.
It was an excellent weekend, so thankful to Lyds for driving us and being so organised – I tried to do my bit by plying her with Candy Kittens and bringing most of our bags down two flights of stairs, (so she could stay by the car to pack it, because team work makes the dream work right!).
So that’s it, another catch up complete. I think my next post will be the annual Gish round-up. I enjoyed it a lot this year, I really needed it, but I’m not sure I brought my ‘A’ game. Usually, I try really hard to do things I’m good at, and do them well, but this year I did some things which were… well… less ‘me’, you’ll see what I mean.
Until then, bye for now. x
May 2020 – Keep On Keeping On
A lockdown sure makes writing a monthly blog post daunting, I am quite focused on living in the present and taking each day as it comes, but when I come to actually sit down and write a post, I’m very aware that another month has slipped by and not a lot has happened. Still, so far people I know seem to be safe and healthy, I hope anyone reading this is safe and healthy too. With all this in mind I have tried to cobble together anything that has happened during May.
Inktober 52 prompt - Elephant
Inktober 52 prompt - Bubble
Without wanting to sound like a broken record, I’m still drawing Little Mouse for Inktober 52, however I’m getting really bad at remembering to share on Instagram. I was in a nice routine where I posted every Sunday, but my routine has changed and Sunday has now turned into a lie-in day (after getting up super early on Saturday), where I make time to either read, or as has happened over the last three weeks, watch the current play being streamed by The National Theatre on YouTube, then I spend and hour or two having a video chat with my family.
The National Theatre plays have felt like a real treat. I missed the start of their showings, but I’ve managed to see Frankenstein, Barber Shop Chronicles and A Streetcar Named Desire. They have all been fantastic, I particularly loved Jonny Lee Miller as the Creature in Frankenstein, his physical acting before the creature begins to communicate with words, the use of light and sound, it was utterly mesmerising, I would highly recommend any future showings if you can catch them.
As a little distraction from mice, I also took part in a “Draw This In Your Style” contest, to celebrate The Bright Agency UK reaching 50,000 followers on Instagram. The challenge was to draw your own version of the grumpy crocodile from “Open Very Carefully” by Nicola O’Byrne. I didn’t win, I didn’t even make the shortlist, but as I’ve never had any inclination to draw a crocodile before it was something new to try (and something new is always nice when your days are blending into one), and it was good to draw something that wasn’t a mouse – for a bit – but I’ve been happy to return to the mouse…
…That was until last week, actually it had very little to do with the mouse, I just found that I was struggling to draw. I’m going to blame it on some kind of lockdown drudgery and fatigue, but whatever I touched turned out to be abysmal and it was incredibly frustrating. It was four days until I picked up a pencil to draw again, but in that time I did pick up a pen instead, and I actually jotted some stories down on paper, so maybe one creative block released another. I think it is nearly always best to just keep-on-keeping-on, create something, even if it isn’t what you were expecting.
This month we tried “mochi” for the first time. Curiosity insisted that I buy some after spotting it online, and I’m not sure what I was expecting, it was definitely more gelatinous than I thought it would be, although to be fair the description described it as “…a cross between marshmallow and bubblegum” and that is pretty accurate. I enjoyed the sesame with red bean paste filling, and the green tea with green tea paste filling was pleasant, but the shredded coconut with sesame paste filling had to be given to my husband to finish, I didn’t enjoy it at all, (although my husband preferred that one to the green tea). It was new, it was interesting, but I don’t think I’ll order more.
We also had our first two lockdown Zoom quizzes with our friends. It is so good to have a little catch up with everyone and a bit of fun. We have come last in the quiz both times so far, but maybe we will have more luck in June.
(Excuse the wrinkles, I’m not a big fan of ironing at the best of times, even more so when I’m not actually seeing anyone).
I’ve been trying not to make too many spontaneous purchases in May, I’ve successfully refrained from buying books, but I did buy two t-shirts which I have coveted for a while. They are from Rosie Johnson’s Teemill store, because I think we can all agree, we all love naps and Jessica Fletcher – what an icon! They are also made from organic cotton, and once they are old and worn out and you don’t want them anymore, they can be sent back to Teemill for recycling, amazing!
So there isn’t much else to report. Lockdown in the U.K. is currently starting to ease, although no one I know is in any great hurry to go back to how things were just yet, I think a lot of us are preparing to move forward with caution. Having said that, I think my June will be a little busier so hopefully I’ll be back in around four weeks to share anything of interest.
July – New Books
Front cover image © thingsbydan
I mostly buy children’s picture books, but this month has been a bit different, I have bought a comic, a graphic novel and a vegan cookbook.
First up is a comic called “I’m on a Boat” by Dan Berry. I’m a big fan of Dan’s podcast Make It Then Tell Everybody (even though I’m really behind), and while I’ve become used to listening to him talk about comics, I only ever see his work on instagram, so when he started self-producing a comic telling the story of his time spent teaching on a boat, I jumped at the chance to purchase it. I think one of the joys of Dan’s work is how he captures small, but humorous, human moments, such as the reaction of people when they see him drawing in public. His line work looks so natural and relaxed, it seems effortless, he can create expression and movement, and tell a story with the simplest of lines, it is brilliant craftmanship .
Illustration © thingsbydan
Above, is one of my favourite images (I hope Dan doesn’t mind me sharing it), where Dan is signed-off from work. Even though it must have been a worrying and serious time for him, he portrays it in such a warm and funny way, it really makes me smile, (I’m sure many of us can relate to nervously waiting for the blood pressure monitor to produce a reading) – it was a great way for a single image to communicate his health troubles.
At the time of writing this post, Dan was producing these comics in-house priced at £10, if you are interested you can buy one here.
Front cover @ First Second Books
Next we have “This Was Our Pact” by Ryan Andrews. I follow Ryan on Instagram, so I was able to follow the illustrations he produced for this graphic novel as he was working on them. His images are so detailed and beautiful (I love the textures in his pencil work), and seeing them shared over a period of time really made me feel connected to the characters and the story, it also really made you appreciate how much work goes into graphic novels. This is a A5 paperback graphic novel (when I looked there were a few hardbacks available too), but it is pretty chunky, I was pleasantly surprised by the size of it when it arrived, unfortunately I haven’t read it yet so I can’t give it a proper review, but I can’t wait to start it, it looks absolutely beautiful. If you are interested in buying a copy, it is published by First Second Books, and you can find it on Amazon UK here.
Cover image © Mitchell Beazley
Finally, I purchased a copy of “Cook Share Eat Vegan: Delicious plant-based recipes for Everyone” by Áine Carlin, published by Mitchell Beazley. The book has been out for a while in hardback and the paperback is due out in October 2019 – and I’m really looking forward to making something from it (I really enjoyed Áine’s previous two books) , I’m particularly interested in the “Crispy Cinnamon Potato Tacos” (although I need to wait until I have a working oven to try that one) and the “Chip-Shop Vegetable Curry”. Technically I’m not vegan, but I prefer to eat vegan if I can. I find the assumption that most people make, is that vegan food is boring, because vegetables are usually an afterthought plonked on the side of a plate, but if anything, I’ve found cooking far more exciting since I’ve dropped the meat and the dairy. One thing that stands out in this book is the variety of ingredients and flavours, and I don’t mean that it is full of exotic things you have never heard of, I mean that humble vegetables and grains that you find in any supermarket have been given a bit of love and consideration, and have been elevated to the tastiest sounding dishes. If anyone is interested in who Áine is and the food she makes, you might want to check out her old YouTube channel, the video linked is from three years ago, but I’ve made this quesadilla several times, and it is a really quick and tasty lunch. If you are interested in purchasing “Cook Share Eat Vegan” you can find it here.
All books were purchased with my own money, all opinions are my own.